NIK 2300

NIK 2300

Main properties:

  • Active + reactive energy
  • Transparent case (non-removable option)
  • 4 tariffs / 12 zones
  • Optical port
  • Indicators of magnetic and electromagnetic fields
  • Mechanical intervention sensors
  • Battery mode
  • Instantaneous values of power, voltage, current
  • The "RESET" button with parameterization
  • Two batteries
  • RCI with vector diagram and OBIS codes
  • Data protection with encryption
  • Remote software change
  • DIN43857 and BS7856 standards pads
  • Control of voltage quality with measurement of voltage harmonics


  • Extended range of operating voltage from -20% to + 15% of nominal voltage
  • Increased ingress protection rating against constant and variable magnetic fields (CSU-N MFE
  • Technology storage according to the grade of accuracy – not less than 50%
  • Continuous operation, where U = 380V (up to 24 hours without sacrificing the grade of accuracy)
  • Low power consumption
  • Transparent shell
  • Solid housing or with opening sensor
  • Installability of transparent terminal cover
  • In the absence of terminal voltage of meter, the meter is able to work in display mode due to the battery in order to take meter readings (for multi-tariff performance)
  • Indication of magnetic field effect with voltage more than 10 V/m within the frequency range 80-2000 MHz
  • Additional service functions: indication of current reverse direction (reverse), misconnections, lowered and overestimated phase voltage
  • Installability of outsourced interface module RS-485 for remote readout, programming of meters and their application in the automated meter reading and control system.

Table of Configurations


* To get more information about different designs of the equipment, please, refer to the service manual
or call to our support center by telephone +380 44 383-95-75