NIK 5500 А2 membranous
NIK 5500 А2 membranous
General properties:
- Target medium - natural gas, liquid gas
- Maximum operating pressure - 50kPa
- Threshold sensitivity for all meters – no more than 0,003 m3/hour
- Operating temperature range: from -30 °С to + 50 °С
- Center-to-center distance – 110 mm
- Weight - 1,9 kg
- Calibration interval – 10 years
- Self-cleaning mechanism with two-spool control system for measurement cameras operation
- Protected magnetic coupling for transmitting rotation from the measuring unit to the reading device
- High level of resistance to impact of the aggressive environment
- The connection of the upper and lower parts of the meter is made with the use of the adjustable tread band
- Application of adjustable connecting rods with curvilinear form of the operating unit to improve the metrological performance