NIK 7071 ultrasonic meter
NIK 7071 ultrasonic meter
General properties:
- Classification – domestic
- Application – heating measurement
- Connection type - true union
- Position of installation – vertical, horizontal
- Power supply - self-contained power supply from in-built battery
- Number of LCD digits – 8
- Amount of channels for temperature measurement– 2 (Pt1000)
- Grade of accuracy – 2
- Wireless data transfer by standard WMBus (mode T1);
- Wireless data by standard MBus;
- Optical port, standard IEC IEC 62056-21 mode C
- Resource battery – more than 10 years
- Not sensitive towards external magnetic action
- Daily, hourly and monthly archives and event archive
- No moving parts, it shows no mechanical wear
- Wireless data transfer to the higher-level system
- Nominal diameter connection DN – 15 – 40 mm
- Adjustable panel of the meter has complete 360-degree movement
- Ability to work in two informative time modes - total working time, operating time